Brad Jacobsen

Composer | Pianist

Stories Behind the Songs - Solitary Road

Twenty years ago I lost my father to cancer. He lived an active, healthy lifestyle so we were all surprised when he passed away just 10 days shy of his 57th birthday. I’m sure there are many of you who have similar stories of loved ones you lost unexpectedly. Fortunately they never truly leave us, and their legacy lives on in often unexpected ways. A few weeks ago I posted this picture to Facebook, expressing how grateful I was to have had such a wonderful father.

Though I knew he made a positive difference in many lives, I was overwhelmed by the response of people who still think about him on a regular basis. Why such a lasting impact? Because my Dad was an incredibly wonderful and genuine listener. People would come to him with a problem (one of his main roles in both work and church) and they would leave feeling hopeful, confident and optimistic that they were working and moving toward a solution. And the best part was that when you came to him with a concern, he helped you reach a solution on your own. Sure, he had great advice or an answer that he could have simply given you, but he would instead ask you careful and thoughtful open-ended questions until you found yourself giving yourself the advice you needed to hear.

Not long after he passed away, my family moved about a mile from the cemetery where my Dad is buried. I spent many hours walking up the steep hill to his resting place, wishing I could have just one more conversation. And in many ways, I did have those conversations. That’s what “Solitary Road” is about. Although I took these walks alone, I hope you can hear the element of conversation in the music.

Thank you so much for listening, and for all your support!